F – DIY Frame with Old Magazine Pages

Of lately I have come to adore paper crafts. They are beautiful, vibrant colors, flexible because you can use them just about anywhere, and most importantly cheap. With just a few things you can whip up the most elegant, beautiful art pieces.

At the end of this post, I am going to show you some of the more beautiful paper craft pieces I have come across.


This particular frame was made for my daughter’s school’s Craft Bandwagon. While all the other crafts have been returned, this is one of the few crafts that will remain in the school forever.

Things I used:

  1. An old cake board

  2. old magazines

  3. a bamboo skewer (or anything else that is thin and long for rolling

  4. a glue stick

  5. PVC glue

  6. Chart paper

  7. Clear plastic cover from an old frame

  8. ribbons and duct tape

  9. clear varnish and a flat brush

frame 1

First I covered the cake board with a chart paper to make it look neater.

On this cake board I placed a photograph in the center and measured all around it. This is the area where the paper rolls are going to be.

Keep it aside (well away from the reach of younger kids who have the uncanny skill to undo everything you have done)

First take a look at this image.


First cut out colorful pages from old magazines. If the paper is glossy, the look will be better. But this is not necessary.

Fold the paper in half lengthwise.

Cut the paper along the fold.

Now place a bamboo skewer at the lower left corner, in a slanted manner. Like in the picture.

Start rolling the paper at this corner.

Remember to pull out the bamboo stick every two or three turns.

Apply glue to the upper and right borders of the paper. The reason for applying so much glue, is that if you have to cut the rolls, they won’t unravel.

Make as many rolls as you can. I made about 80 rolls in all. I didn’t need all of them.

Now segregate them according to color, so you have a better idea about which will go where. You can mix and match too. I think that will look awesome as well.

Apply PVC glue to the area where you are going to place them. Do not be stingy.

Place all the paper rolls in position.

Allow it to dry for an hour or two.

Now apply varnish to the whole frame. This gives a neat and glossy finish and protects your frame from dust. It also makes the frame easy to clean.

Attach the ribbon to the back with duct tape, so you can hang it anywhere.

Attach your photograph in the center and cover with the plastic frame cover. I attached two more rolls on top of the cover to hold it in place. But only in such manner that I could remove the cover if I want to change the picture.

frame 2

There’s my happy kid with her craft project 🙂

Here are some more design ideas.

Bobby Pins


These look like real good fun! All you need are bobby pins, a good quality glue and colorful magazine papers.

Newspaper Frame


Similar to my picture frame, only more concise and with a better finish.

Magazine Vase


Again from the same site as above. I love the look of this vase. I can’t get over how beautiful paper crafts look.

Watch out for my paper bead jewelry on Friday, 11th April 2014.

Till then…

Happy DIYing!

54 thoughts on “F – DIY Frame with Old Magazine Pages

  1. This is beautiful. My SIL makes similar craft pieces, and I know how tedious the process is of making these thin – even strips. The frame looks beautiful and I despite my liking I lack the patience to make such fine pieces of art 🙂

  2. This is very nice, Gauri! I really like the look of this frame. Like I said before, I am not crafty at all, but I very much admire those who can do these amazing things with recycled, reused things. I like to support these efforts by purchasing their products whenever I can… Close to where I live there is a very nice project called Wellpaper – I have bought several things made by them, this is also a project using old newspapers etc for making beautiful products. You may already know about it- http://www.wellpaper.org/

    Well, again a very good post, Gauri! And glad you are continuing with the challenge:)

    Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal

  3. Wow, you are creative and I am just shuddering to think what will happen to me when my daughter starts going to school and she will ask me for ideas for her craft projects 🙂 Loved the magazine vase too 🙂

  4. Fabulous ideas! I am sharing this link with my sister who loves making such crafty things. I can only admire and appreciate the creativity and the patience involved! Loved the vase too! You are very talented, Gauri! ♥

  5. Glad to see you back on posting mode, Gauri 🙂 This looks so trendy and with all re-used stuff! Very nice indeed!

    A to Z Challenge, 2014/ UBC, April 2014

  6. I have previously tried the newspaper roll frames and bobby pins!!! Will share pics sometime!! Nice one 🙂

    Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
    Smile, it makes (y)our day!

  7. Gauri, I love doing this. I remember several years ago, when we didn’t have sticks, my Mom suggested rolling newspaper just like this -except i used a pencil :). Once rolled, the “stick” becomes incredibly strong!

    Great stuff!



  8. Hey what a pleasant surprise to have you back. Loved loved the ideas. Once I made a pen stand with rolled up newspapers.. still remember it.

  9. Great DIY! I used to do a lot of paper crafts with sis when younger. I have a frame too done with paper mache! 🙂 love the look of the vase!

  10. Lovely! My mother in law had made a newspaper holder like this long ago. .. She cut a Kellogs cornflakes box to shape and stuck all over it, these paper rolls just like you have done! I wondered then and I wonder now, solid patience n dedication man! 👍👍👍 No wonder your little one is beaming! 🙂

    Good luck with the challenge! 🙂

  11. Pingback: A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2014 All Posts | Mind Brew

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