L – Lip Balm DIY (A2Z Blogging Challenge 2014)

As all of you must know by now that I am a huge DIY fan and where money is concerned my mantra is, “Less is more!”, when I came across DIY cosmetics on one of my favorite blogger Pratibha Pal’s site Prat’s Musings, I immediately went into overdrive making some of my own.


I guess this is a good time as any to introduce Pratibha. Not that she needs any introduction, she is already doing great for herself. Pratibha, a former corporate employee turned work-from-home mommy to twin boys. Phew! Anyone can tell how exhausting that must be. Still, in her quest to look for the best for her boys, she set out on a journey looking for eco-friendly products and came across some great finds. She chronicles all of these findings on her blog, where in her own words, she is trying to lessen the carbon footprints of her family on this earth. What a great thought! I guess we must all learn to live by that mantra. Her passion has now led her to become a columnist on the celebrated international e-journal Elephant Journal.

For some great deals, awesome DIY stuff, and tips to live eco-friendly please visit Prat’s Musings. If you subscribe you will even get her e-book with all of her favorite eco-friendly cosmetic recipes, for which I will vouch via personal experience 🙂

Coming back to the topic, I thought lip balms were going to be crazy DIY. But surprisingly they were quite simple. In about fifteen minutes flat, I had my very own DIY Lip Balm in my favorite shade!

lip balm

I know, my photography sucks right? Working on that one 😦

Here’s what you will need:

  • 2 tbsp beeswax shavings (I took mine from a brand new candle)
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • ½  tbsp olive oil
  • a few pinches of powdered blush/ or a few chips of your old favorite lipstick.
  • A small container to keep the balm in.

Put all the ingredients together in a microwave safe bowl, and zap them for 30 seconds. Mix them all up with a wooden skewer or spoon. Zap them again if not completely melted, as many times as it takes to melt the whole thing.

Now pour it into a small container, and let it cool. Viola! Your lip balm is ready!!!


Beeswax- Is a great moisturizer and will trap the moisture in your lips

Coconut oil – Also a known moisturizer, plus it smells divine!

Olive oil – Also a known moisturizer to make your lips baby soft.


The great thing about this lip balm is that you can add just about anything to customize it. You can use vaseline jelly instead of beeswax. The resulting lip balm will be softer. You can also use almond oil, vitamin E capsules, shea butter or cocoa butter if you can find it, flavored oils such as peppermint or strawberry.

Go crazy, but go eco!


Here are some other fantastic DIY Lip Balm recipes I found on the net.

Beeswax Lip Balm


Strawberry Lip Balm


Healing Balm for chapped Lips



I hope you find at least one of these cool enough to try at home. Whaddya know, you can have your favorite lip balm in shades of lavender!

Happy DIYing folks!


This post has been written for the A to Z April Blogging Challenge 2014.


Also linking it to the Ultimate Blogging Challenge

Ultimate Blog Challenge


32 thoughts on “L – Lip Balm DIY (A2Z Blogging Challenge 2014)

    • Yes, lip balms are more medicinal, that way if you want you can skip the lipstick and go plain. But a little hint of color lifts up your face doesn’t it? i have come across some recipes that even use natural colors like beetroot juice. You can try that too 🙂

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